Seems like we are always “on-the-go”.

Moms, Dads, Daughters, Sons, we all depend on our  Mobile Phones

to save our lives.

What would we do if we left our phones? We would ALL turn around and do whatever it takes to get it back in our hands!

Although it sounds like an unhealthy habit;  let’s be honest with ourselves, it’s one of the worst, yet best thing man has ever created! The convenience of a phone’s mobility serves its purpose as our partner in life.

Who wants to wait until who knows how long –  to run home just to email a resume, composite cards or even a Media Kit to support an important document?

The issue most of us have experienced when attaching a Media Kit through a mobile phone, are due to these reasons:

File size is too big to open

Not enough  MB or GB storage 

File size is can’t be converted to mobile device

Not enough data to download

File must be delayed when sending from computer to phone


Here’s a great solution for you Bloggers, Media Personalities, Models, Marketing Managers, etc.

You no longer have to wait to receive your mobile version.


*Tailored services available for every individual

*Not branded, not to worry. We can assist you.

*Customized content creation &  story styling

*Photo editing services & personalized layouts

*Image consulting upon request. ( optional )


Introducing our the new  Mobile Media Kit