Charlotte mom blogger, Charlotte moms, The Hobbyist Charlotte, Charlotte family,
Let’s work together to make this better.
It’s the only way we can save the economy from sinking.
If you still can’t see where ‘the ship is sailing,’ imagine trying to navigate it  blindfolded.
6 ft apart or 6 ft under?

Bird Box, baby.

Coronavirus cases, coronavirus in Charlotte, corona kindness, how coronavirus is affecting us all, Covid-19, stay home, stay safe



Dearest Friends & Family,
You may not want to hear this , but it’s okay.

“LOVE ME or LEAVE ME” – but I am a strong believer –  in standing up for what I believe in, even if it means I’VE GOT TO STAND ALONE.

I’ve been ‘on the fence’ with my husband and children over this super, sensitive subject – for which they’ve advised me to stay silent, to avoid social media controversy.

Maybe they’re right.

Maybe I’m wrong for opening up my heart to the wrong people.
Flatten the curve, Sarah chambers Charlotte, Sarah dam chambers, Coronavirus mecklenburg county, Covid-19 pandemic, Sarah Dam Chambers, Charlotte mom blogger, Bird Box, Covid 19, Stay home, stay safe and stay home, quarantine family, quarantine team, quarantine, quarantine life, we’ll get through this together, Coronavirus,

Sarah Chambers, Color Correction & Hair Extension Specialist @Modern Style Studio


Either way – I’d rather be hated for being real, than to be admired for someone I am not.

So thank you for your time, and thank you for listening.


Before I rip my heart out into pieces; my family and I would like to say Thank You.
Thank You – to every nurse, doctor, to all the hospitals, and to the healthcare providers  around the world, putting their life at risk to protect ours, while fighting the spread of COVID-19.

Thank You – to every teacher, CEO, Minister, news anchor, fire fighter, law enforcement officer, to every marketing/public relations team, and many more – for keeping us educated, informed, and for securing our hopes.

Charlotte mom blogger, Charlotte moms, The Hobbyist Charlotte, Charlotte family,
Thank You – to every business that remains open to serve us. You are seriously keeping us alive!

To show our appreciation, we’d like to send your family complimentary restaurant and grocery store vouchers for curbside pickup. (1 per family)

So if you will, kindly join our email list, and subscribe to our Instagram, Facebook,YouTube.



On March 25th, 2020,  a Stay-at-Home order was served. On April 7th, 2020, more than 4000 Charlotteans admit to breaking the Stay-at-Home order, according to recent survey results collected from Charlotte Agenda.

Seriously guys?!!

 Prior to the mandated closure of nonessential businesses, our family has taken measures in preventing the ongoing spread of coronavirus.

We self-quarantined soon after we found out about it. Sadly, 4 people we know have already been infected, exposed, or have been hospitalized, and 4 unfortunately didn’t make it:(

Scary, isn’t it? Especially when it hits close to home.

Although the breakout is unpredictable, what we can do is apply the “Stay-at-Home” order to slow it down.
Flatten the curve, stay home, stay safe, quarantine family, Charlotte NC Covid-19 cases, Coronavirus cases in mecklenburg,

Quarantine Family

Did you know –  although you may look and feel fine, you are not immune to being a carrier of Coronavirus? 
Similar to walking pneumonia, you may experience mild flu-like symptoms or show no symptoms at all.
This DOES NOT mean you are safe.
This DOES NOT MEAN your family is safe.
This means there’s a high chance that  you could be a silent killer.
This is NOT A JOKE.

Don’t be ‘one of those’ guys who people despise.

Stay home to stay safe. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands often. Practice good hygiene. Take care of yourself.

And remember, be considerate and kind to everyone else.

For current status of coronavirus in Charlotte, here’s everything you need to know about coronavirus.





Five years ago, Bill Gates threw a ‘curveball’ and warned us about this epidemic.
Half a decade ago, the thought of this world series  seemed a bit farfetched.
For as long as we know, everything seems to always have a way of ‘working itself out.’
But COVID-19, is different. Coronavirus is
not – ‘just going to go away.’


Jeremy Chambers Charlotte NC, Charlotte CFP, modern man, gq dad, Jeremy Chambers Charlotte NC

Jeremy Chambers, CFP®️ |


According to WorldOMeters, over 2.1 million lives have been infected by novel Coronavirus, with  more than 141,971  global deaths. North Carolina reported  5,553 tested positive. Out of that, 1,015 confirmed cases were from Mecklenburg County, in Charlotte, NC.
(YIKES, That’s US!)

But why does it seem like nobody cares?




According to researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, who published their findings in the journal Science on Tuesday, 

“Intermittent distancing may be required into 2022 unless critical care capacity is increased substantially or a treatment or vaccine becomes available,” they wrote in their report.

“If intermittent distancing is the approach that’s chosen, it may be necessary to do it for several years, which is obviously a very long time,” Dr. Marc Lipsitch, an author on the study and an epidemiology professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, told reporters.

How will this affect small businesses?

Businesses, big or small will be facing an extreme amount of negative economic consequences.

That’s like the economy being crashed by a nightmare in overdrive!

Look on the bright side, we see the caution lights flashing ahead of us. There’s still time to slow down before we have to ‘slam on brakes.’

“If we can just maximize that social distancing, we can limit this virus’s ability,” said Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who also says, Social distancing is “one of the most powerful weapons” against COVID-19.


Ugh – can you imagine – what life would be like – when “retail therapy” turns into a suicidal disease?!

Besides the fact we will no longer have anywhere ‘cool’ to go, how can we shop if our favorite boutiques go out of business?

With what ‘shopping money’ will we have, if most of us are unemployed?

If we don’t apply the stay-at-home orders now, we’ll be saying good-bye to all social events.

How will it be possible to plan future  bachelorette parties, weddings, or honeymoons?

What will happen when cruise lines go out of business, when airlines shut down, and when hotel & resorts can’t afford to stay open? Sounds like  the thought of a  luxury vacation – will eventually become just ‘another fantasy.’



As a business owner of 20 years; I have witnessed firsthand, the fluctuation in the economy.

I never envisioned some day I’d have to close down my business – under Governmental command. This is surreal.

I am really unemployed now.

And the choice wasn’t mine to negotiate.

Some say we make it ‘look easy.’
And to be honest, most business owners do ‘make it look easy.’ No one sees all the blood, sweat, and tears that goes into a successful operation.

No one cares that you’ve spent half of your life, building a future to support your family.

How would you feel if 20 years of your life, gets knocked down by a remote-controlled bulldozer?

Just think about how unfortunate it is for some families to try and survive – with no income.

It is very disheartening.

“You always think you’re untouchable until it happens to you.”

When COVID-19 happened, life changed unexpectedly for small business owners.

I’ll admit, it’s not an easy pill to swallow.

As for me, a mother and wife, who has worked since the age of 15, has been choking on the reality of not being able to bring confidence to ‘the table.’
The table that – I bought.



Flatten the curve, stay home, stay safe, quarantine family, Charlotte NC Covid-19 cases, Coronavirus cases in mecklenburg,

 We are a team here, we are a family of 5.

I went from being self-employed to being unemployed – ‘just like that.’

I am not okay with putting my husband under stress.

I am not okay with people taking  unnecessary trips to Target, Walmart, or Home Depot to ‘walk their pets.’ I am not okay with people inviting us to their children’s birthday parties at their house.

What in the world?!

You are not only hurting small businesses; you are hurting big corporations. You are hurting your children’s education, your social security, your family, other families, and you are hurting your future.

You are hurting OUR future.




If people are panicking because they have to ‘temporarily’ stay-at-home, what’s going to happen when this  ‘new norm’  becomes a permanent lifestyle?

Society has conditioned us to get out, get dressed, go to work, and spend money. 

We’re not used to ‘just staying at home’. But the truth is, we can find ways to do what we love at home; for free, or without spending much money.

If we use this time to reset, learn new projects, and perfect our crafts. Then once things return back to normal, we will all be okay!

Look, if you only knew – how bad my shopping addiction used to be… you’d be amazed at how quickly you can change a bad habit.

Around 2017,  Jeremy ‘ enrolled ‘ me into what you’d call a ‘shopaholic rehab center,’ after he diagnosed me with an ‘unreasonable shopping addiction.’

It was so bad – I’d place duplicate orders – like multiple times, as if  I had shopper’s amnesia or something.


Modern style mom, Charlotte mom blogger, Sarah dam Chambers, modern style studio, best salon in Rea farms, best stylist in Charlotte, Charlotte family

Well, I took his advice after seeing how miserable he was – as he recycles all my shopping bags and Amazon boxes.

I stayed in the house and stopped shopping for a few months. A few months turned into years.

Then I realized … “oh, hey – I’m still alive!”

 Thanks to him, I now know – “happiness is an investment that no money or no one can ever buy.”

I also know that, if  I can do it, anyone can! Now is a good time to find joy at home:)

 Let’s face it, the economy will never be the same post-pandemic.


Charlotte Coronavirus cases, Charlotte family, quarantine family, stay at home order, Covid-19, CFP Charlotte, JeremyChambers CFP

With over 10 million unemployment cases in the U.S.,

“People aren’t going to just venture outside. They’re not going to go to large gatherings. They’re not going to feel confident right off the bat. There’s going to be a lot of trepidation. And that concern is going to lead to people holding back on spending money,” says Billionaire Mark Cuban, in an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News.

 Maybe what we’re experiencing now is just a ‘test.’ A test that will help us realize what’s more important. No matter what, we will be okay.
We will be okay sooner, the sooner we take action in following the stay-at-home order.

Come on guys, “short term pain for long term gain.”





Over the past decade,  Charlotte has become one of the fastest growing metro areas.

The bulk of its growth comes from the result of new residents, cost of living, opportunities for employment, and abundant housing. By having an effective local government leadership, Charlotte expanded exponentially, with a diverse economy after the “Great Recession.”

The city most people desire to move to – for its reputation of having an exceptional quality of life …

is slowly on its way to R.I.P.

… because we,  Charlotteans  

refuse to follow the  “Stay At Home” order.

We can’t let intermittent distancing destroy businesses that shape our economy. If we do it right the first time, we won’t have to repeat our mistakes.

Let’s work together to make this better.
It’s the only way we can save the economy from sinking.

 If you still can’t see where ‘the ship is sailing,’ imagine trying to navigate it  blindfolded.

6 ft apart or 6 ft under?

Bird Box, baby.

6 ft apart, quarantine, stay home stay safe, Covid-19, coronavirus, Charlotte family, quarantine family, Charlotte parks, Charlotte mom, Charlotte mom blogger


COMING SOON :  Stay Home, Stay Strong Tips To Help You Survive The Covid-19 Recession

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  • Reply
    April 17, 2020 at 1:19 pm

    Sigh… So much to say about this article. I am truly humbled by much of what you wrote. I don’t ever remember being totally unemployed in my life. My heart goes Out to them. I was having a conversation this month with someone who needed to answer an incoming call. When they returned they informed me that they were just given termination directives. Not sure this single mother of five would qualify for unemployment given special circumstances.

    Like you I thank Essential heroes. I thank the social workers who still have to go into the homes and see families that are struggling with child maltreatment.

    No one in my generation has been “here” and yet there are several things that we can do to keep ourselves safe and healthy. My mother lived through the great depression and now bears witness to this pandemic.

    I could go on and on but I will stop here. Thank you for allowing this platform as a sounding board. Practice self-care and be well.

    • Reply
      April 17, 2020 at 6:24 pm

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. It’s really sad how many families are at loss of income. Let’s just continue to pray there will be a shining light at end of this ‘new journey’ of ours.

  • Reply
    April 17, 2020 at 5:51 pm

    Wow! This message is powerful. Never in a million years did I or anyone think a pandemic would hit us. Here we are lives turned upsidedown and uncertainty that weighs on us daily. The impacts are felt on all levels from the frontline workers to at us who are at home doing our best to stay safe and stop the spread. Thank you for sharing your point of view on the small business owners. It gives an insight into what they are feeling and experiencing. My heart goes out of everyone. Together we will all get through this and thrive! Thank you for sharing and using your voice to be heard.

    • Reply
      April 17, 2020 at 6:21 pm

      Thank you for taking time to read my thoughts, and thank you for your input, DJ. It’s surreal. But like you said, “together” we will all get through this.

  • Reply
    April 17, 2020 at 7:53 pm

    You are so right Sarah!! Loved reading this blog and I wish more people shared your sentiments. We’ll get out of this stronger than ever!

  • Reply
    April 18, 2020 at 1:00 am

    Sarah, your post is on point! It’s been disheartening to see people think this will all blow over soon and how we will all go back to normal. The new normal will be a huge adjustment we all have to make to make this world a much better place.

    I’m with you, with all the people you thanked. I couldn’t agree with you more.

    It hurts me to hear how people are doing unnecessary shopping just to get out. This foolish practice will eventually hurt all of our hospitals and the people putting their life on the line for the greed of others.

    Your motto of: “6 feet apart or 6 feet under” was to the point!

    Thank you for the wonderful message you shared. It truly shows the good human you are inside and out. And I’m so happy to see you are raising three lovely children who will follow your genuine footsteps into a positive roll this world needs.

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