A 2nd degree burn on the largest organ on my body!

Skin was on fire!

 Find out how a burn can heal beautifully…

Two Mondays ago,  grease popped all over my face and neck!

I know you’re like, “what kind of idiot does that?”

Well apparently… ME! Guess this is why they say, “accidents happen”.

Sydney was BEGGING for Burgers for a week! If you know me, you KNOW that frying hamburgers have got to be a “treat” for my kids. Jeremy will grill burgers every now and then, but we don’t typically fry food!

 Well, thought I’d be “nice” and give the kid what she’s been craving. She deserves it.

 We had an hour before swim practice so throwing patties on the grill wasn’t an option.

It was a last minute decision so we didn’t have time to completely thaw it out.  Just defrosted it in the microwave.

I am fully aware that oil and water does not mix. BUT…. never have I thought the oil would shoot up as far and as much as it did!

And   U P   it went!!!! ALL over my neck and face!

My first initial thought was, “Okay… there’s goes a 2nd degree burn all over my face!”

Thank GOD I dodged the one that almost popped in my eye!

The burned area started to heat up as it lightly blistered, and I felt nauseous for about 3 days. I a felt a little off balanced, but not dizzy.

It was a superficial burn so I knew I’d be fine.

This was a learning lesson for sure! I had NO IDEA how dehydrated your body gets as it is healing from a  severe burn.

I’d say mine was a  2nd degree burn.  Normally if a burn is bigger than the size of your palm, you should be admitted to ER.

Well, if you haven’t noticed, I am NOT the one that will quickly go to ER so I can wait 5 hours for them to tell me I need to keep myself hydrated and get some rest.

Figured I’d be proactive and drink plenty of water at home. Because water heals everything!

Listen –  with a stem of  Aloe Vera gel, staying hydrated, along with my sweet babies telling me, “Mommy, you look beautiful with your new scars”… made my recovery run smoothly.

Oh and  Sydney constantly reminding  me, “it looks like those brown spots old people have”. Lol.

My  2nd degree burn healed beautifully within a week!

I’ve always trained myself not worry much about things I have no control over.

After you make a mistake though, it’s pretty “human” to wonder what you could’ve done to prevent the accident. I mean, THANK GOD it didn’t blind me!

For 1st-2nd degree burns;  for my skin, (can’t speak for anyone else) took about 7 days for brown spots to fade.

I was so relieved when my skin healed and I no longer experienced side effects from the burn.

THEN…  my heart went into remission. ?

On Saturday, Jason noticed his top molar began to hurt. Sunday he woke up with a swollen cheek and tooth ache. (pic 1) (below)

 His dentist appointment was for Tuesday, but there was NO WAY we were going to let him suffer for 2 days!

We took him to Urgent Care and they diagnosed him with Facial Cellulitis.

(One of the worst cases doctors had ever seen.)

The doctor quickly gave him a dose of antibiotics through his thigh. Told us to monitor the symptoms of his Facial Cellulitis to make sure it doesn’t get worse.


“make sure it doesn’t get worse”!?

Isn’t the antibiotic supposed to work faster through the muscle?!

A few hours passed and it appears that his face had gotten more puffy. (pic2)

I couldn’t sleep because my maternal instincts were telling me to keep an eye out for his symptoms.

It’s a scary feeling because we don’t know of anyone who has been diagnosed with Facial Cellulitis.

Sure enough – he woke up Monday morning and can barely open his eye. (pic3)

The infection has moved up towards his eye and ears.

 He didn’t look like our son. The left side of his face swelled up really bad. To the point he looked like he was wearing half of someone else’s face! Can you imagine?!!

I panicked. I started Google searching Facial Cellulitis! Oh dear! How scary!

After hearing about how life-threatening this infection is; and I am supposed to act like everything is going to be okay?!

I felt what every Mom can feel when her baby’s pain… my heart was on fire!

Like the flames burned me to my core!

My poor baby was afraid to look in the mirror.

He couldn’t open his mouth to eat, drink or talk. The symptoms were spreading rapidly from his cheek to his eyes.

His face was getting bigger and bigger every time I looked at him.

I was scared. So scared.

During this moment I realized I’d do whatever it takes; even if it means I’ve got to travel beyond the moon to save his life, give up all of my life savings… he will not have to suffer!

I’m not good at hiding my feelings. So holding back my tears and quickly turning it into a smile… was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

With no help from ER,  we decided to contact our Pediatric Dentist Laurie Campbell to get her advice.

She suggested us get to an oral surgeon a.s.a.p. to drain abscess and extract the tooth. We made the appointment while we were in the hospital.

And the emotional roller coaster continues…

laughing gas, 3 shots of anesthesia, tooth extraction, etc.

Who would have known Facial Cellulitis can come from a tooth infection?!

The hours spent in the hospital gave Jeremy and I time to figure out the best way to solve the problem. No matter how bad the situation may seem, always remember to


Positive mind, positive thoughts.

Did you know that your immune system is vulnerable when you’re depressed, sad or stressed?

We kept Jason relaxed and happy during the hours he felt miserable. Jason loves having  both of his parents next to him so he can feel safe.

All we can do is remain calm and pray.

The same way we did the day Jason was born.

It wasn’t easy.

I am beyond thankful to have my husband with me holding my hand through it all.

Through it all, his strength and unconditional support secured our Faith.

We know God makes all things possible. We know God sent us an angel from heaven because Jason was born with wings.

Through it ALL…


has healed us and healed Jason once again.


*with Jason’s  permission, (because he was not comfortable sharing how scary his face looked)

here are photos of what Facial Cellulitis looks like on him. Jason wants to share his experience to help other families understand the different stages of Facial Cellulitis.

Facial cellulitis, tooth infection leads to cellulitis,

Healing Process of Facial Cellulitis

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  • Reply
    February 20, 2018 at 12:35 am

    Oh Sarah! God bless your sweet little boy and your mama heart. I can only imagine all the thoughts running through your mind but I’m so proud of you for having faith, even in the presence of fear. Happy that both you and Jason are doing better, boo!

    • Reply
      February 20, 2018 at 1:27 am

      Thank you SO MUCH for your blessings Shay! You’re so right.. fear lead me to so many crazy thoughts. But deep down in my heart I always know God has my back. And we will always practice our prayers as a team:)

  • Reply
    Tiffany Dunne
    February 20, 2018 at 2:22 am

    Poor sweet boy! Thank God he has healed and looks like his cute little self again. God Bless you guys!

  • Reply
    February 20, 2018 at 2:32 am

    So happy you guys are doing better! Praying for continued healing of your beautiful family!

  • Reply
    Laura Raleigh
    February 20, 2018 at 2:34 am

    Oh my – sweet Jason! So glad he is on the road to recovery! You too! Hang in there, Momma! xo

  • Reply
    Alexis Alexander
    February 20, 2018 at 3:38 am

    Thanks for sharing your family’s story. Your transparency is touching as well as inspiring. Blessings to you and your family!

  • Reply
    Trinisha Mobley
    February 20, 2018 at 8:02 pm

    Sarah, not sure if you remember me but we went to school together and I always admired you sweet humble spirit. It is unfortunate that you and your son Jason went through, however fortunate to be bless to pull through it by the power of God and your FAITH in him.

  • Reply
    February 21, 2018 at 4:47 am

    Thank you so much for sharing. I just seen your post on IG. Continued healing prayers and blessings for your sweet boy and family.

  • Reply
    Stephanie Sebero
    March 2, 2018 at 1:23 am

    Oh, Sarah. I’m just now getting a chance to read this. I’m so glad that everyone is ok! What a beautiful expression of Agape love your family is.

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