Give your kitchen a facelift by simply updating your kitchen table from dark wood to white.
Save money on new furniture by restoring your old ones.
Brighten your kitchen with one simple piece of furniture, like a new white dining table.
Hello Creative Mamas!
SuperMoms like us are often too busy taking care of others that we forget about ourselves. There’s almost not enough time to breathe.
My mind is used to 300,000 mph down Motherhood Ln., so I forget what it feels like to slow down. I only know what it feels like to drive in the fast lane. When my husband is with me, he reminds me to pull over and park.
As I’m recharging, I’ll notice things that can improve. Such as things around the house. Change is always good. It’s refreshing. That; and I’ve always believed in Feng Shui.
If I walk into a room and the energy is off, it completely throws me off balance.
This may seem like a great excuse for my weekly visits to Home Goods and Hobby Lobby, says my husband.
But seriously, your body feeds off the energy that you’re surrounded by.
Our kitchen and dining room table set has not been feeding me the kind of energy that I need. It is time for a change.
I searched high and low for a new kitchen and dining set and nothing was under two grand! So imagine having to buy two tables!
Although it would be nice to have tables that are pleasing to the eyes, I just can’t be selfish and only think about myself.
You Who am I kidding?
I have 3 little ones with 529 plans! How unfair of a mom would I be to spend 4,000.00 on two new beautiful tables for our home?
Hmmm… Let’s think about that real quick… What’s more important? Making mommy happy or my babies’ college savings? ? Maybe Both!?
How can I remodel my kitchen on a budget?!
My biggest problem is, when I want something, I obsess over it.
Because I know my brain WILL find a way for me to get what I want.
Even if it means I’ve got to starve my family for a week, lol. Joking!
One day my husband said to me,
“hey babe, you’re creative, why don’t you paint the ones we have”?
You see, deep down what he was “really” trying to do was butter me up by telling my I’m “creative”.
And instead of telling me he doesn’t believe it’s necessary to get rid of our tables and that I should learn to save money.
It’s okay, because he’s right. (As he always is.) I’m glad he reminded me that I’m creative.
I actually forgot. Um… yeah, because having 3 little ones can make you forget who you are and what you’re capable of.
Not only that, he understands how much work it takes to be a wife, mother and business owner.
I am ALL OVER the damn place! Shout out to the moms who got it all figured out!
My schedule is booked. It’s almost impossible for me to think straight all day.
Therefore – doing something that relaxes the mind can help us all recharge and go again!
Learning a new skill is therapeutic to me. It relaxes and calms me.
What relaxes and calms you?
Whatever it is, you should do more of it!
We all should!
I am a serial DIY MOM.
No matter what the project is. I find that stepping outside of my comfort zone excites me.
I love being able to share my experience with friends.
After taking my husband’s advice, my diy dining and kitchen table makeover made me proud! I have the white kitchen table I’ve always wanted.
I saved thousands of dollars, and I now know how to paint furniture. This made me a happy mom!
Here are before and after photos of the tables, chairs and benches I painted. Let me know what you think. ?
This round table is real wood. The original color was a cherry wood. It’s much easier to sand down real wood.
Real wood is porous so painting it was smooth and easy. I had to lift that 500lb glass top off all by myself!
FML! ? You have NO idea! Apparently I didn’t either!
This is our kitchen table set with 4 benches. I love my new white kitchen table! The ultra white paint gives it a modern farmhouse look.
The seat cushions were originally brown leather. I bought fabric from Hobby Lobby and a made new ‘pillow case’ to cover up the brown.
If you want a kitchen makeover, paint your dining table white, and watch how one simple change can switch up the entire mood!
By painting my kitchen furniture, I saved a TON on modern furniture!
Smooth foam roller sponges
I like the foam rollers because it doesn’t leave marks and steaks on furniture.
*Make sure to use a new one for your Polycrylic sealer.
I prefer this over brushing paint on to avoid streaks. And… it’s leads time consuming.
Protect your floors to prevent paint stains.
Prep your table. Wipe it clean before you sand it.
Using your electric or sand block, rough up the surface so paint will adhere.
Be sure to check and sand everything down so paint will look smooth.
Pour only enough paint to use but not entire can in the tray.
You can prime if you want to do an extra step, but this paint has primer in it.
Take foam roller, dip it in tray of paint, and roll it.
Allow it to dry for at least an hour. Some paint may require 2 hours.
After it dries, you can repeat same steps to do another coat. But use a clean, dry foam roller, not wet.
Allow time to dry.
Then get clean foam roller and seal it with Polycrylic. Now the consistency is different from the paint. A little bit goes a LONG way.
This will prevent paint from chipping. Allow a whole day for this to dry.
Then sanitize table before you eat off of it.
May 23, 2017 at 7:17 pmOMG!! You might have just inspired me to do a DIY project. I’ve been telling Nick for months that I want a new dining room table.
May 23, 2017 at 7:23 pmYay! I’m so happy to hear that. As you know, life gets so busy that it’s impossible to share everything with close friends. I hoped this website can serve just that purpose for us all! ?
May 23, 2017 at 9:26 pmSarah this is awesome. I love it. You did a great job.
May 24, 2017 at 12:28 amThank you so much Chimere! I’m sure you understand the relaxation during the process::) You’re such an artist yourself!